Why You Should Work with a Collection Agency
Any business thrives on the payments they get for their products or services. The problem is, not all customers are trustworthy. You probably have more urgent tasks to do than calling people or writing letters to collect delinquent debts. Not to mention that the older a debt grows, collection becomes more difficult. If you have constantly failed or you have run out of time or energy, you can partner with professionals like Fox Collection Agency.
Successful Debt Collection
Working with a collection agency substantially improves your odds of collecting longstanding debts. While you focus mainly on your daily operations, a collection agency can take care of your debtors. Keep in mind that these agents are professionals, which means they are highly trained, knowledgeable and experienced in debt recovery, especially when you talk about Fox Collections. Moreover, they are well-connected with credit bureaus and will be able to report unpaid debts anytime. Most of all, debtors know this and how much their credit scores can suffer from a collection account. Thus, they will likely want to work something out with your collector, especially if it’s Fox Collection Agency, just to prevent potential damage on their credit.
It is common knowledge among collection agencies that businesses have unique needs, even with collections. This flexibility of collection agencies means you have big chances of finding the one that fits your business model like a glove. These agencies may pursue debtors for a fixed fee, while others get a commission for every successful collection. Some will also just buy the debt outright and you can write it off as a tax loss. It’s really just an issue of talking to the agency and mutually deciding which option is best for you.
Legal Safeguards
Many federal and state laws cover the debt collection industry, and educated consumers won’t hesitate to sue if they feel that they have been harassed or their rights violated. If you don’t know a lot about these laws, collecting debts is actually a minefield of potential legal issues. Third-party collectors know all these laws so they make your debt collection efforts legally safe. Certainly, you have to choose a reputable agency like Fox Collection Agency to ensure that you are actually protected as you must be.
Part of collection agencies’ debt collection processes is keeping records of all communication with debtors. In case there is a need for you to sue a debtor in the future, the agency can help you build a strong case. Even if you sell the debt, you’ll still use all those records when writing off the debt as a tax loss, most especially if you are audited by the IRS.