Guide to reading Military Paystub
Being able to read a military pay stub is very important because you will be able to understand the amount you take home and what is cut for your tax. It’s also good to teach your spouse how to read military paystub in case you are deployed so that s/he will not be left wondering what the lines mean. The whole process of chasing a paycheck can be easy until you get to the section of reading the military paystub and this is the part that confuses many people. We know many people have this challenge and that why we have dedicated our time to write this page so that you will know how you are expected to read a military pay stub. Find the things that are included in the military paystub that you should focus on.
The first item is about personal information. Some of the things that you are supposed to fill here includes your complete names, your social security number, and pay grade. You will also find a part that asks you to provide the name of the branch you are serving and the terms of service. By checking these part you will be sure of your pay period and the deductions that will be made in your working duration.
You will also find a section on retirement and other deductions. In this part you will see things like taxes, social security benefits, allotments, entitlements, and other deductions. There is more to learn here about your retirement.
The next part of the military paystub discusses information for leave. You will view here for more info about your total leave days, your previous leave, your current leave, and the number of leave days you have. Take your time in this part to learn more about the amount of leave you will lose if you fail to use it.
Federal tax is the other sector you will come across in a military pay stub. Check this part to find out about your fiscal year pay, your marital status, and marital status. The same part will guide you to know how much you have lost to the tax for the time you have been working.
There is also a part that talks about the federal insurance contributions act. If you want to know how much you pay to the FICA and Medicare or any other insurance you should check it here.
You will also come across a field of state tax. Check this part to read more now about your total w wage, total tax, and total exemptions. The total paid to rental housing is the other thing to view here.